Christmas Short Story Contest

One of a Kind Christmas

On a warm Christmas Eve day, Chloe found it to be a perfect morning as any to take a jog on the railway trail.  Some of her fondest memories since moving to Bermuda were made here; marvelling at the lush vegetation and flowers blooming at every turn. Sometimes she’s greeted by fellow joggers, friendly dog walkers, or child riding along on their bicycle grinning away.  In the spring, a flock of baby chicks scurry out of the way when Chloe jolts past them, trying to find shelter behind the foliage searching for their mother. A serendipitous butterfly glides by as Chloe stops to snack on a few cherries and loquats. In the summer time, rays of sunshine makes everything gleam so brilliantly, especially the pastel coloured cottages up in the hills. No matter the season though, she is always rewarded by a wondrous view, whether it’d be of the ocean blue peering from an opening of volcanic rock or a perfect frame made out of hibiscus bushes.

Chloe gazes down at her phone app that has been recording her run statistics.  She’s been training more frequently these past weeks leading up to her big race in January – The Bermuda Triangle Challenge. The event is known for its three races in three days: 1mile, 10k, and a half or full marathon. She knows she needs to pick up the pace and push past the fatigue while being bombarded with yet another hill up ahead.

“Afternoon, Jason!” Chloe shouts and she catches up to her husband on the trail. Jason turns over his shoulder as he decelerates to a jog on the spot. 
“Heya darling, ready to race to the finish line?” Jason challenges with a raise of an eyebrow. Chloe’s forehead twists with fierce determination and they emerge from the trail and race up to the lighthouse. The vast blue sky stretches in all directions from the view up here. Jason admires the sun dappled mini islands and boats in Riddle’s Bay while Chloe hunches over with both her arms held up by her knees to catch her breath.
“Truly magnificent,” Jason softly expresses in awe.
“Yeah…breathtaking,” Chloe laughs while still panting. 

The two head back home to get the kids as they should be awake now and if not already driving nana wild. A whole day of activities with the family are in order, with the first stop to the farmer’s market. They love getting fresh free-range eggs, locally grown fruits and vegetables. Doing their groceries at the farm means less plastic packaging and it helps support sustainably sourced foods. In the afternoon, Chloe will be taking their daughter, Yasmin, to Grape Bay to participate in a beach clean up, while Jason and their youngest, Ethan, are going to the aquarium.

The car turns into the driveway of a beautiful and quaint peachy coloured stone house with palm trees splaying at every corner. The typical charming white roof top has now been embellished with new solar panels as the island moves towards renewable and energy efficient ways. Chloe and Jason also installed a do-it-yourself compost bin, which has been contributing nicely to their herb garden of fresh  parsley, basil, sage and rosemary.

Yasmin and Ethan hear the car doors slam and leap excitedly out from the hammock leaving nana swinging erratically. The kids run full throttle towards their parents giggling with wide smiles and eyes.
“Thanks mum, we’re going to take them out now, see you later!” Chloe waves as she organizes Yasmin into the car. Jason scoops up Ethan and tosses him up on his shoulders. “Hey big guy, you ready to go exploring today and meet some amazing sea animals?” “Yassss!” Ethan manages to shout between his gritted smile. The car turns on and the music plays “Baby Shark doodoodoo” and the entire Yoremop family burst into an outrageous sing along instantly. 

Meanwhile, nana began decorating the palm trees with Christmas lights as they have opted out of getting a fir tree this year. The family wanted to raise awareness on deforestation, wildfires, and waste consumption. Instead, they donated to a “Plant a Tree” organization helping to restore forests to wildlife. Since learning that climate change could threaten smaller island nations with more severe than anticipated hurricanes and flooding due to rising sea levels, finding alternatives for eco-friendly living became a priority. The Yoremop’s wanted to educate their young ones the importance of protecting the environment and the consequences of this global shift to their very own home. 

The family gather in the living room later that evening to share highlights of their day.  
“Yasmin, tell daddy what you found at the beach today,” Chloe encourages her daughter. Yasmin sits up straight and contemplates for a few seconds before blurting, “Ummm…we helped the beach and picked up garbage and plastic so we don’t hurt the fishes!”   
“Well done,” Jason applauded. “That is very helpful of you Yaz, we need to respect the marine animals as well as the coral reefs that live among us. Your brother and I also learned about coral bleaching, how warmer temperatures of the water are disrupting reproduction of sea animals, and that plastic pollution is harmful for them too.”
Preoccupied by wrapping toys, Yasmin was was already distractedly burying her head back into her project. This year, the kids are packing two boxes of gifts, one for a boy and one for a girl of their age, to be sent to those less fortunate. They included markers, a watch, toothbrush, games, books, baseball cap, a Gombey doll, skip-rope, harmonica, stickers, and many more of their favourite toys. 
“Tooootuuull!!!” Ethan screams as he spots a turtle sticker in a booklet.
“That’s right buddy, we did help scrub the turtles today at the aquarium,” Jason laughs while looking over to his wife. “And Ethan wants to tell mommy we learned today that if the temperature of the water gets warmer from increasing CO2 emissions, the higher the ratio of female turtles and sea turtles may become extinct without mating partners.” 
“Ahh, Ethan, what a smart boy, thank you for informing mommy,” Chloe brushes his cheek dotingly.
“Bigggg Toooootuulll!!!” Ethan demonstrates by stretching out as wide as his tiny three-year-old limbs would allow. 
The Yoremop’s finish piling the presents together by the fireplace with two electric pedal bike-shaped objects in candy cane wrapping paper parked in the corner of the room. 
“I wonder what nana got us,” Chloe chuckles at Jason.
“The suspense is killing me, but we have to wait till Boxing Day to know!” Jason replies.

Christmas Day morning arrived suddenly and thunderously. Strong winds were rapping on the window shutters as a high pitched whistle blew across the house. Jason rolled over in bed and threw a pillow over his head. Thunder cracked in the distance and rumbled its way to the house startling Chloe who immediately got out of bed. 
“Jason wake up!!” as she stumbles over to the window. “Is it storming outside?” she asks in disbelief. 
“Whaaat….?” Jason finally sits up rubbing his eyes with one hand and trying to unlock his phone in the other. 
“Hon, I think there’s a hurricane….but….there was nothing in the forecasts about this. Turn the TV on to the news channel” Chloe implores.
Jason grabs the remote control and turns the TV on while fumbling with his phone which started pinging absurdly with a hundred messages a second.
“Unprecedented weather is hitting Bermuda,” the news reporter mumbles, as gusts throw hair and rain wiping into her face. 
“The radar is all over the place swirling with different colours,” Chloe fearfully shouts looking at her phone. “One second it’s showing dark stormy clouds and 200mph winds,  a 40 degree drop in temperature, and the next it’s completely gone!”
Jason returns to their bedroom with the kids tucked under his arms.
“It’s mental outside right now, the boats were rocking violently on their mooring and I saw a tornado forming in the distance and three thunderbolts hit inside the storm!! But ten seconds later, it was suddenly sunny with blue cloudless skies…” he clamours completely baffled.
“Reporting live….Bermuda is totally bewildered at this strange weather that has hit the island abruptly,” as Chloe and Jason quietly tune back to the TV.
“The radar seems to be flickering back and forth and the compass is spinning out of control,” the reporter speaks fervently. “We are urging everyone to stay indoors and stay off the roads until we can better understand what is happening….uhh…this just in…we might be getting a blizzard….,” reporter presses her finger against her earpiece to say with furrowed brows. Chloe and Jason turn to each other and exchange looks of shock.

Sustained winds fiercely return the next moment and branches snapped off the surrounding trees, hitting the house with a powerful blow. Rain poured down on the house like a waterfall, gushing over the roof on all sides, and flooded down to the garden. A dark and ominous shadow cast over the island bringing with it a cold and freezing chill. The plants and leaves outside all started folding on its side, wilting and rusting to brown.  

“There’s going to be snow in Bermuda for Christmas ladies and gentleman!!” the weather reporter exclaims.
“Snow?!?!” Jason and Chloe simultaneously shout.
“Snow! Snow! Snow!” Yasmin cheers.
“SnuuuuuuuuMAN?” Ethan asks with those giant round innocent eyes looking up at his parents.

Then, not a second later, the sky completely clears up without a trace of a single cloud, and the sun beams down on everything almost thawing a layer of frost on the flowers and plants. The windows stop rattling and shaking, the roof water slows to an infrequent drip off the ledge, and the boats settle down on the calm ocean surface. Everything stays completely still and quiet for just a minute. 

Chloe and Jason apprehensively unlock their front door and poke their heads outside to ensure safety. The kids burst through the doorway running for the yard past their parents legs giggling and shrieking. Jason steps out assessing for damages but everything looks untouched as if the hurricane or storm never occurred. Yasmin crouches over prodding the soil with a stick she finds, but then jumps up to chase a kiskadee flying by. The bird lands on a tree branch nearby, giving a bright song before bowing down to clean under its feathers with its beak. 

In the corner of her eye, Yasmin notices a small white speck drifting from the sky, swaying side-to-side, descending freely without a rush. She follows this curious crystalline object with eyes locked in as quietly as possible, ensuring not to scare it away. It lands right on the tip of her nose and she gazes down with widened eyes to catch a glimpse of it.
“Wowww, a SNOWFLAKE mummy!!” she screams while running back to the house.
“Mummmy, look look a snowflake!” Yasmin points excitedly at her nose trampling through the door.
Chloe bends down to hold her child’s beaming face in her hands. She brushes Yasmin’s nose gently with her thumb and wipes away a tiny water droplet.
“Oh yes, a snowflake” Chloe agrees with an incredulous smile. “Yasmin, did you know that no single snowflake is the same? It’s one of a kind, so make a wish darling!” and kisses Yasmin on her forehead.

“Merry Christmas, love.”

Elbow Beach, Christmas 2017

Royal Gazette Stanley Ratteray Memorial Christmas Short Story Contest

Pssst! PechaKucha

The origins of this fantastic event was born in Tokyo, Japan 2003. While two architects brainstormed and integrated their ideas – PechaKucha was realized and began to transform the landscape of presentations in the community. The literal translation in Japanese ぺちゃくちゃ means “chit-chat”, inspiring people to come together and have enlightening discussions, share knowledge, explore ideas, and give dynamic talks on passionate topics. The premise is quite simple, a storytelling format of 20 slides shown each for 20 seconds, allowing presenters only 6 minutes and 40 seconds to convey their message in a powerful and impactful way. A PechaKucha night serves to bring the people together to network, learn something that is meaningful and memorable, and support a movement that incorporates diversity and open-mindedness. Some presentations might introduce something completely new to you, and others might strike a chord and resonate with your beliefs or values. Whatever the case may be, it is always invigorating and stimulating to those who dare to attend.

Each year, four incredible events are held at various local venues across the island, appealing to anyone and everyone. The audience members are offered a 3 minute Q&A after each talk where they can pick the speaker’s brain further. I love seeing our community find growth together, discuss social or global issues, explore the unlimited power of our creativity, and engage in thought provoking and authentic conversations. The best part is that it is completely free and lead by a grassroots movement. We welcome the public and donations to give back to all those working behind the scene who make the night possible. I have been fortunate enough to be presented an amazing opportunity to collaborate and work with the PechaKucha Bermuda chapter this year, and of course I jumped at this chance to get involved with the organization, especially since I’ve been a big advocate of this event already.

Yet another exciting set of presentations took place at The Spinning Wheel complex for the 26th Volume of PKN Bermuda. Mental illness, subversive and controversial art, the power of words, courageousness in small spaces, body positivity and awakening the sacral chakra, moving pictures and video media were among the topics discussed. We had a full house attendance and patrons enjoyed a healthy vegan dinner catered by Modern Temple. Some of us made a conscious and sustainable decision to bring reusable dishware, utensils and tumblers to reduce single use plastic and waste. All in all, it was a largely successful night and I’m humbled to be volunteering with a group of wonderful people and amazing team. Check out my press release for this 26th edition of PechaKucha published in Bernews and The Royal Gazette. Follow us on Facebook/Instagram/Twitter to stay tuned for our next event – P R I D E edition – or if you are interested in giving a presentation yourself, we invite you to contact us! For all of my readers around the globe, check out the next PechaKucha 20×20 International event taking place in a city near you, to help celebrate this worldwide series. There are over 1000+ cities participating in PechaKucha Nights and I look forward to attending an event during my travels to other cities.

Pecha Kucha Bermuda Volume 20

Frankie Bey: “Magic Words”
Martha Dismont: “Courage in Small Places”
Liana Hall: “The Alphabet Years – How the Year of Art Saved My Life”
Joanna Stapff: “What Would Charlie Do”
Calix Smith: “Proximity, Apparently, About Being Close”
Kevina Lorae: “Sacral Chakra Healing”

Cinco De Mayo 🎉🎉

A long awaited Sunday Session finally comes to fruition as we decide to go Mexican theme to celebrate Cinco de Mayo! Mike prepares guacamole and salsa verde, Mandy slow cooks pulled chicken, Heather spoils us with black bean dip and pico de gallo, and I contribute mexican style street corn. The night also would not be complete without Mike’s marvelous margaritas – Don Julio or Patrón?

Our eyes are literally feasting on all of the tasty colours of this spread as we get our hands right into the mix! One of the most satisfying pleasures about eating with your hands is that instant connection you get by touching your food and guiding it to your mouth. It’s also more fun when you can engage with your meal and create do it yourself tacos while experimenting with different versions of toppings. The key to a successful mexican night is always fresh herbs and abundance of lime juice. We harvest fresh cilantro from the back garden for the salsa, garnishing and guacamole. Every one has opted for different tortillas – whole wheat, corn, and flour, which were then lightly heated on the pan with some olive oil.

A brief history on elotes – corn on the cob, this humble crop was first domesticated in Honduras in the 6600BC and quickly became ubiquitous throughout Mexico. Due to it’s affordability, street vendors would boil or roast them serving on a stick or just the husk as a handle – which easily became a beloved and popular street snack, by sprinkling seasoning or slathering sauce on top. I prepared my corn first by simmering in a boiling pot and transferred them over to the grill to obtain that perfect charred exterior – that magically highlights these golden cones. This technique ensures the corn stays juicy, retaining its sweetness without drying out on the barbecue. Remember to rotate the cobs so they get even colouring all around. I substituted cotija cheese with parmesan, and no one even noticed the difference, as the corn was devoured within seconds. There is absolutely no way to eat this messy corn on the cob gracefully, so prepare for a fiesta in your mouth! A quick squeeze of lime is the secret to elevating this crowd pleaser to the next level.

I regretfully postpone churros for another night as I conserve my energy for conducting the evening smudge. With the arrival of summer and visitors to Bermuda, there seems to be less and less time for decompressing and disconnecting with the world. While trying to remain sociable and involved, it can sometimes start to take a toll on me, and taking a few steps back to re-center and find balance once again is so important. Tonight, we do a meditation on accepting the present moment, letting go of the clutter and noise that distracts us, and just sitting still for a few minutes allowing our minds to settle and connect inwards, with our spiritual realm.

I introduce a new “grounding” or “earthing” exercise with the group tonight. What happens to the human body when we walk Barefoot on Earth? After 20 minutes of this natural grounding exercise, it has shown to improve facial circulation. Place your bare feet directly on the earth, what sensations do you feel? When we remove barriers that keep us from being in complete contact with nature, that keep us from the natural healing powers of our planet, we can begin to recharge and re-establish that connection with our roots. No socks, no shoes – as the rubber on the soles are good insulators from electrical conduction, causing us to disconnect with our world. The Earth carries negative ions which are electron rich, and can help transfer antioxidants to us to destroy free radicals. Allow your feet to absorb the negative electrons. This grounding energy flows through your physical body and helps to align your body with your surroundings, vibrating at the same potential as the earth. This simple connection can enhance our health and provide feelings of well-being. We take 10 mins to walk around the hammock outside, gently placing our feet on the grass and feel the coldness, dampness, and the blades between our toes. Deep breathing and converting new oxygen for our cells at the same time is also beneficial. Try closing your eyes, do your sensations alter? Explore clockwise and counterclockwise paths. Potential treatments of this earthing technique is beneficial against chronic stress, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, improve sleep, and help with anxiety. How does this work? When grounded – the stress hormone cortisol normalize, helping to control blood sugar levels, regular metabolism, and reduced inflammation.

To conclude tonight’s ceremony, I want to speak about the lotus flower. It is a sacred symbol of the divine in many spiritual traditions and it represents purity and non-attachment. It also represents the heart, not the physical heart, but the spiritual heart – heart opening. The lotus is the perfect reflection of new beginnings, growth, and enlightenment. Closed lotus has infinite potential, waiting to unfold and blossom. Are you ready for the best version of yourself? Buddhist compare the opening of the lotus flower petals to the unfolding of the divine within you. Rooted in muddy waters at the very bottom of a pond, emerging from a dark murky place, through mud it rises growing tall and strong through the water, breaking out the surface every morning, reaching for the sunlight, and finally – blooming in the glow and warmth of the sun. A sign of rebirth, resurrection, and new opportunities.

We now put our hands in the yoga lotus mudra position, which represents your lotus flower. It is an extension of your body and heart and soul that will collects all the positive energy. Bring it down to your heart’s center. Hands in prayer. 2 rounds of deep breaths. namaste.


Back to the grind – one of the things I’ve really come to appreciate is that when you return from a vacation to Bermuda, it still feels like you’re on vacation, so the blues don’t hit you as hard. No bad days can be had if you’re surrounded by palm trees. I definitely missed Blake, my black beauty, riding on the scooter especially in the summer time is an exhilarating feeling that is like none other. The sense of freedom and just letting go, with the wind racing in your hair is almost therapeutic. In no time, I’m back to my regular routine, staying busy, bettering myself, applying myself, and getting more involved with my community. Whether it’s to meet new friends, support local organizations, or develop my skills, I am out there taking risks and getting my feet wet! To give you to a taste of my weekly schedule:

Mondays: spring league volleyball/tennis clinic @Bernard’s Park
Tuesday: hot vinyasa yoga @Lucky Elephant
Wednesday: running on the railway trial/ legs day @Beast gym/ Harbor Nights
Thursday: salsa class @Docksiders / tennis / running on the beach
Friday: HH @Newstead, Marina Nights @1609, UberVida sunset cruise
Saturday: watch the sunrise, farmer’s market, volunteering walking dogs with Chad, read on the beach, bbq, watch the sunset
Sunday: BJJ @Aries Gym/ brunch, beach volleyball, exploring the island, boating, snorkeling, supper club

…and in between I try to punctuate with reading, practicing guitar, playing piano, painting, going to art galleries, working with Pecha Kucha, aerial silks yoga, meditation, journaling, gardening, meal prep, tan and laundry! People often say there’s “Nothing to do in Bermuda” and I find that very hard to believe. The island offers so many amazing groups and organizations for anyone to participate in:

Obviously the summer time brings with it more activities and events like Rosé Day in the botanical garden, cruises to go see glow worms, horseback riding at sunset, TEDx talk, petting farm, world triathlon, jetskiing, paragliding and even an aerial tour of the island and stunning reefs on a helicopter ride. Another way to stay updated with any sort of event going around Bermuda is to check on the ptix website, where you can purchase tickets for shows, cruises, and parties. Find yourself featured in our local entertainment and social page, Bermynet. The Bermuda Film Festival and Bermuda Fashion Festival were two events I participated in that really surpassed my expectations for this island. Not only were they well executed and large scale, it brought diversity to the stage, evoked interest locally and gave us international appeal. Supporting local artisans and entrepreneurs is another great way to get involved with members of the community and enjoy a discussion regarding their passion and inspiration for their work. Harbor nights is an exciting opportunity to sample different vendors and support small businesses, while relishing in live music and delicious bites. I always go for the Portuguese doughnuts – malasadas, which are made fresh, warm and fluffy to order.

Fortunately, some mates have come visit me from Toronto as well as some optometry folk, so I’ve had the opportunity to show them around the island and attempt to give them some perspective on what life in Bermy is like. My first visitor was Liam, a dear friend from Timmins, Ontario. There was loads of excitement around this trip not only because it was my first time hosting, but also because it was his first encounter with a palm tree face to face! Liam enjoyed cliff diving at Admiralty, renting a scooter, and snorkeling at Clearwater – watching beautiful parrot fish feeding off coral reef. Although his pink sand got confiscated at customs, Liam managed to smuggle some sea glass home to Toronto.

Lisa came next, during Cup Match weekend she learned how Bermudians partied and drank her fair share of rum swizzle. Raft up at Mangrove Bay was one for the books and barely escaping trespassing charges into Ariel Sands was all part of the fun.
Joe Van Cura arrived via cruise ship, though I was off island – his family and him explored Tobacco Bay and Horseshoe beach, and was well rewarded with some of the most scenic views this island has to offer. No single beach is the same here – if you look closely at the details of the sand, pieces of broken coral reef determines the shade of pink we admire.

Another NECO alumni came to visit – Joanne and Jake, adventured around Bermuda in a Twizy! They went golfing at Port Royal, rode jetskis to the shipwreck, toured the Crystal Caves, shared a family naan at Ruby Mury’s and imbibed many frozen dark and stormys while getting their skin kissed by Bermuda sunshine.

Dr. Burtchell is arriving next week for a wedding and hopefully his stay will also surpass his expectations.

Mum is coming in mid-July for a visit while staying at Pillows B&B, can’t wait to have her here to relax and hang out. For the rest of you, guess you’ll be living vicariously through me for now while receiving postcards and seashells. When you’re ready for your next dream vacation, give me a shout and head down to the triangle △

¡Pura Vida!

This is an infectious saying that you will quickly catch on to after just a couple days in Costa Rica. Locals, referred to as “Ticos“, use this phrase for almost everything, which translates to P U R E ♥ L I F E. Not only is it a lifestyle but also a culture, and captures the true essence of being in Santa Teresa. Living an authentic or simple life is emphasized by this phrase, and is use interchangeably as a greeting or response to anything that happens in life – to say that everything is good and everything is cool. The general consensus is a relaxed, carefree and happy attitude. I mean, what is there to stress about? Let’s hit the beach, go surf, sip smoothie or Imperial cerveza, and relax in a hammock. No worries, no fuss, no stress —pura vida (pronounced: poo-rah vee-dah) To Ticos it means being thankful for what they have and not dwelling on the negative while giving a “hang loose” hand sign.

This emotion and perspective becomes so ingrained in me that I’ve sacredly protected it and carried it home with me. Other unintentional habits I’ve noticed since returning home are: I still have the instinct to throw away toilet paper in the trash bin, since I was bombarded with a million signs telling me to do so for the past week, and shutting off the water while I brush my teeth or lather in the shower to conserve and reduce water waste. I am not entirely upset about any of these routines that have stuck with me. Another way to conserve water is to shower with a friend 😉 Our outdoor showers are surrounded by nature and greenery, while after nightly pool dips, a tranquil night shower under the stars and moonlight brings happiness – to be so in touch with mother earth at all times, I’m feeling especially grounded 🙏✨

Hola! another incredible day was spent surfing in the morning with a group of lovely ladies. Our mascota, Hurley the Lion, came to cheer us on as we perfected our skills and took on more challenges on the boards. The growing tides eventually get the best of me as I get wiped out and taken under, tumbling like socks in a washing machine. The effects of this was seen later on in yoga class in downward dog position, where water would randomly start expelling from my nose still. My face says it all as I catch the S W E L L !

For lunch, Becky, Jamie and I are eager to hit up The Bakery as it came highly recommended from everyone as a must do. My eyes are immediately fixated on all the scrumptious looking desserts behind the glass counter: passion fruit cheesecake, strawberry and cream pastry, freshly baked chocolate croissants and pistachio cronuts. I’m definitely saving room for postre later. I order tacos de pescados con cerveza and is served a magnificent and playful platter of food. With little persuasion, I return to The Bakery almost every day before I leave this town for a little bit of indulgence.

The next couple days I hang out with the girls, who are great companions for horseback riding and hiking at the nature reserve – Cabo Blanco. Jamie does a brilliant impression of a monkey howl, which always gets everyone cracking up, and Becky is our designated driver as the three of us squeeze onto a single ATV (and with enough liquid courage, maybe sometimes even four) Cabo Blanco is located at the extreme southern tip of the Nicoya Peninsula, so we can hear the ocean roaring in the distance during our entire hike. Jamie & Becky both have an amazing eye for spotting wildlife on our 4hour long expedition: pelicans, vultures, coati, anteater, iguana, snakes, bats, monkeys, and a deer! Montezuma is always a nice bet afterwards, as we get ceviché and mango smoothies, and support some local artisans who have set up little booths along the main street selling handmade jewellery. I stop to chat with Fermin the rastafarian who’s eager to share his stories on which part of the world his precious stones and gems were discovered. He’s very passionate about his work and tells me he will be going to Switzerland at the end of summer for vacation and to Poland for a BBoy dance competition. We all get some bracelets and souvenirs and head back to Funky Monkey for the much anticipated SUSHI NIGHT!

Horseback riding at sunset was a special treat, Chocolate and I have a romantic stroll together for the next two hours. We tromp along Mal Pais beach front and cliff top for a beautiful view. Jamie and Becky have been riding all their lives and are galloping gracefully while Chocolate is my steady Eeyore ♥

The girls departure is celebrated with a night of dancing at El Carmen – a chill open air restaurant lounge facing beach front. I love the ambience and decor here, perfect for people watching, sharing appetizers and having cocktails in the golden light. At night, the DJ takes on the decks and a dance floor is cleared out for those techno enthusiasts.

My week seems to be winding down now and I’m feeling more mellowed out, spending more time yoga stretching in the pavilion in the early mornings, journaling by the pool, reading and meditating alone. I was beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed with all the group socializing and activities, getting caught up in the excitement and whirlwind of it all. I’m finding a better pace and feel more relaxed when I make time for myself to reflect on my day and my emotions. My yogi has brought up setting an intention for this week which I have been working on – self love & self worth. This trip was really meant for me to find more balance and center myself, focus on me, and know that I deserve everything that I want. I am still learning that h a p p i n e s s is a state of mind, is an awareness and consciousness – and not a destination that you can arrive at. Alina asks us to think of 2 things that we are proud of today – whether it’s that we showed up on the mat, making time for self care, or trying something new and exploring the world more. Anything. She then paints a very vivid scenery while we close our eyes. Imagine – the burning sun sinking lower and lower towards the horizon, while the amber and orangey-red hues reflect and dance across the waters, each wave is bringing this powerful healing and positive energy closer towards us. With our palms open face up resting on our knees, we receive this divine energy that the universe is sending us, and fills our body and soul – nourishing us. Introducing our mantra now:

“I am healthy, I am strong, I am one with all that surrounds me. Love heals me. “

boho beautiful

I am enlightened everyday by the people I meet here, whom exchange knowledge, inspire me and allow me to become more open minded. It is serendipitous that I should encounter Diana aka Dianita who joins me in my dorm. She is a down to earth, charismatic, vibrant and full of life woman. I listening intently to her fearless travels, backpacking adventures and Vipassanā meditation retreat in the Philippines. We easily form a bond. Nacho #2 is another gentle soul that I’ve really had the pleasure speaking to. Originally from Argentina and now residing in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, I’m instantly drawn to his hipster and unassuming character. He introduces me to ecstatic dancing, something that he enjoys doing – which is a community event that welcomes all, where rhythmic music is played and self-expression without judgement occurs. No phones, no talking, no drugs or alcohol. Just a safe space for pure freedom of self and movement. I’m absolutely intrigued by this creative outlet that exists and know that it’s something that I definitely want to try out. The notion of reverting back to our roots, stripping all external distractions, and just to connect fully with yourself or others emotionally, physically and spiritually is such a grand idea. Our stimulating conversation then branches out to his studies in reiki, mate drinking, and book recommendations. I will always remember the kindness in Nacho’s words — that I am on my own journey, and life will reveal itself to me in the right moment, as I sit in awe in his presence of zen-ness.

On my last days, I lay out by the beach and feel extreme gratitude for all my experiences and insights gained. With hope in my heart, I feel that a very large door opened in my life, and that there are so many paths I can take or travel on. I no longer have fear of the future or try to grasp on to my past – what is meant for me will come, and I feel so much acceptance and peace. Traveling solo liberates you, it breaks down barriers and inhibitions, and pushes you out of your comfort zone. Vibrate at your highest potential, always.

Dianita, Sille, Juliann and I discover ourselves in a unexpected union. The four of us go for lunch at Earth Café – a charming spot that serves homemade gelato (pistachio, yum!), beautiful hearty bowls bursting with flavours, carrot cake and power balls, smoothies and coffee. My favourite part is the outdoor space, with globe lights strung across, lined with bench seating and cute vintage pillows, all completely shaded by a huge mango tree. I am so pleased with this revelation, while enjoying my Earth Bowl and sipping on a Kale Boost. I learn that both Sille and Dianita have their own brands. KØVL (Sille): which originates from the Dutch word keuvelen meaning “chatter” — promoting spaces and opportunities for people to connect and integrate ideas and passions. Mirazo (Dianita): is Greek for “I Share” — with a rich background in French, Greek, Serbian, Cameroonian and Spanish, the idea is to incorporate and draw on various cultural inspirations and provide something unique and special for everyone to enjoy. I am blown away by these young and passionate entrepreneurs, feeling truly inspired and supportive of them. Then there’s Juliann, the OG big friendly giant, soft spoken but his chuckles, subtle humor, and genuine smile captured my affection. It was always a good laugh with these guys, whether it was dancing up a sweat at KIKA or moon bathing in the pool all attached to a floatie. I will always remember the full moon that one night, with the light ring beaming down on us and the linear cloud drifting pass creating a yin yang — when the universe gives you signs, you better soak that shit right up 🌙✨

love is love is love .

Vamos A La Playa

I had such a wonderful and amazing trip in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica the past week. As a first time solo traveler, I was a definitely a bit apprehensive about this adventure I was about to depart on. It ended up being the perfect journey that I needed and was seeking. I am really proud that I maintained steadfast on making this trip happen and remained intrepid as always. This attitude was much needed as I flew on a tiny plane for 12 passengers from San José to Tambor, which’s “airport” resembled a bus shelter. I was rewarded with a spectacular aerial view of Costa Rica and of the peninsula where Santa Teresa is located on. After 3 flights and a 1 hour shuttle, I finalized arrived at the coveted Funky Monkey Lodge. I’m staying at this hostel for the next week and enrolled in a 8 day 7 night Yoga & Surf retreat!

I quickly got my bearings and wanted to explore immediately. I took a nice stroll down to the strip which was littered with artsy cafés and local eateries called sodas, surf shops, and beach clubs to chill and admire the sunset at. My first stop was at Soda La Yunta where I ordered tuna ceviché which came with a fresh hot pita bread, fish tacos, and a delicious smoothie. I chatted with Jason, a surfer from San Diego, and we exchanged friendly conversation for the past hour discussing DMT, french bull dogs and full moon parties. I proceeded to check out the beaches and ended up at Habanero’s for an iced coffee while the DJ started pumping out sunset beats. Making my way back across the beaches immersing my toes into the sand composed of seashells and broken remnants of them. I have a habit of collecting shells from places I visit as a souvenir gift, usually inscribed on the under side the name of the beach it came from or the city I was in. Dinner was devoured with a large group of new friends from all walks of life, some from Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Mexico, NYC, Seattle, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Miami, Seville, Amsterdam, Germany, and Bermuda! The chefs and food were superb and I enjoyed an aesthetically presented tuna poké bowl. I decided to hit the hay early as a bunch of us planned to rent ATVs the next morning and adventure to Montezuma to hike and swim at the waterfall.

Buenos dias! It’s typical of Costan Rican culture to get up early as the sun rises around 5:30am and it’s much cooler in the morning if you’re keen for a surf or jog along the beach. Also, it’s not easy to sleep in, as our residence is embedded within a jungle, so birds start chirping, toucans start singing their songs, and howler monkeys perched in the mango trees are announcing the beginning of another glorious new day. For breakfast I had a refreshing and energy packed açai bowl.

The gang then heads into town to rent ATVs, and although with scooter experience, I am a bit nervous as there is gear shifting involved. However, with little hesitation, were riding our badass quads through the rubble streets on gear 5 and flooring it to Mal Pais. We take a few pit stops to take in the scenery and cool down for a swim in the ocean. Riding on the ATV was definitely a thrilling experience, feeling straight out of the movie Mad Max, we gaze at the different terrain and nature sights around us. Arriving at downtown Montezuma, we’re parched and famished and find a nice spot to grab lunch right by the water and beach. After restoring our vitals and energy, we press onward to hike to the waterfall. Along the way we’re followed by a bright and colourful little critter, a Halloween Crab! Everyone is jumping into the pond or going for a cliff dive. While we wade in the pool, a spectacular show is put on by some locals who bravely rock climb the waterfall and perform an insane dive from up top! Bravo !!

We journey back to Santa Teresa and take in the sunset with happy hour drinks at Banana Beach. Everyone is exhausted but hearts are filled with gratitude for the amazing experiencing, what a great place we are in “right here, right now!” as Craig and I practice our mindfulness.

I hop back to the lodge for evening yoga session melt class with Alina. She is truly such a pure and amazing soul, I loved being guided by her, she helped us relax and find calmness, set intentions, share her inspirations for the class, release negative energies, instill gratitude and elevate us to the next level. Her passion and love for her work invigorates me as I continue to move closer to my dream to becoming a yogi. We all lay in savasana in the dark of the night in the amazon, surrounded by sounds from the shadows, the cool breeze washing over our faces, and we can hear the ocean softly calling from afar. I feel fully relaxed in a zen moment until I realize I’m being eaten alive by 100 mosquitoes! At dinner I’m greeted by Nacho our surfing instructor as he discusses with me the tide forecast for tomorrow. I’m going for my first surf lesson at 6:30am on the white waters with Martha. I imbibe more tuna tataki and some lager at El Facon and gather rest for the early morning. Excited little heart!

Surfing at Selina beach was fantastic, I learned how to push up and stand on my long board, accelerate, slow down, turn left/right, turtle roll, and how to dismount properly. Grazzia captured my victorious moments and intense concentration in avoiding a wipe out. Check out our funky monkey rash guards, it even has a tail on the back of the shirt!

Our hard work is met with a fresh cracked coconut, as I gobble the coco water and delicious flesh inside. I eventually acquire the skill of hacking them open myself which is pretty simple but an accomplishment I feel nonetheless. Breakfast is served back at Funky Monkey and I get the mouth watering banana pancakes with fruit on the side: papaya, watermelon and pineapple. Refueled and recharged, a group of us bravely test out our flexibility and gracefulness at aerial yoga. Our yogi is this incredible goddess of silks, and actually gets us to do some very advance techniques: inverted butterfly, half pigeon, double foot locks into balanced splits, and french climb. It’s a serious work out for our core/upper body in building strength and endurance – and it looks frigging cool like the circus! Luckily, I have been doing aerial silks at Lotus in Bermuda so I’m looking like a rockstar. Respects to all the gents that gave it a shot and are looking like professionals. By the way, how gorgeous is our al fresco yoga studio, I’m falling in love with the 360 views. If you stay still and quiet just long enough, you’ll be enchanted by iguanas, humming birds, butterflies, and GIANT BLACK SPIDERS.

Lunch time is one of my favourite parts of the day because I get to check out other eateries and trendy cafés in the area. My fellow Canadian’s, Drew and Craig, meet me for lunch at Zwart café/art gallery & studio. It’s so incredible that there are so many health conscious options that are high in energy and equally tasty. This place is so chill and offers communal seating with long tables, giving that sense of community and free flowing vibe. Are you surprised – I ordered a mediterranean bowl with ahi tuna and a passionfruit lemonade. This place is totally my jam!

I spend the rest of the afternoon meandering the streets and find myself sweating like crazy so I stop for a drink at BALI café. As you can imagine this little gem is really quaint and decorated with quirky trinkets, vibrant splashes of colours, cute sayings on chalk boards, mini cacti plants, and yummy looking baked goods. I muster up the courage to order in Spanish, ” Yo quiero una cafe de frio, con leche, con CBD oil, sin azucar, por favor.” Both the waiter and I are grinning with pride, NAILED IT! I have been practicing my Spanish on Duolingo 20 minutes daily prior to the trip and it’s definitely paying off. Locals seem to find it endearing and are very helpful when I try to habler en español. *stainless steel straw for for the win

All paths lead to the beach…

It’s time for another beautiful sunset and everyone is sprawled on the beach with dogs running about playfully, little hermit crabs scuttling around, people doing acro yoga, and others performing an african healing dance. Someone in the far distance is fishing, another is doing a hand stand, while several people are still surfing or bobbing in the ocean. I rock in a hammock for a bit and read my book and then I find a spot facing the firey red sinking sun and find peace in meditation. A bonfire breaks out and I get back to the lodge for yin yoga. It’s a bittersweet evening, as some people are leaving the next day. It was an absolute pleasure that our lives crossed paths, sharing memories and stories, and making pure connections despite a brief moment in each other’s company. It would be lovely and interesting to see how we all stay in touch, especially since learning that Jamie and Becky met each other at a prior retreat and decided to be traveling buddies for this trip. Camilla already has plans in October to go shark diving in Mexico, so I’m intrigued to hear of everyone’s next adventure. Perhaps we will visit each other and find our friendship extending from Santa Teresa. New friends are also arriving, so it is the ebb and flow of life; the ebb and flow of the ocean that units us. Grazzia saves us from a night of reggae disaster as the crew jam to reggaeton off her Spotify and we turn the sushi bar into our night club, while Salvator & Domingo grace us with their appearance once more.

” Vamos pa’ la playa, pa’ curarte el alma
Cierra la pantalla, abre la Medalla
Todo el mar caribe, viendo tu cintura
Tú le coqueteas, tú eres buscabulla
Vamos pa’ la playa, pa’ curarte el alma
Cierra la pantalla, abre la Medalla
Todo el mar caribe, viendo tu cintura
Tú le coqueteas, tú eres buscabulla y me gusta “

Have a Bermudaful Day

The weather is finally starting to become nicer with abundance of sunshine. This may be hard for some of you to believe, but yes, Bermuda has seasons and it most definitely has a winter. But I no longer have to worry about thrashing shutters at night or wearing ear plugs to get through the treacherous evenings. I can also retire my wet suit from my bike and keep other essentials in there like sunscreen, a hat, and a frisbee! The arrival of spring is also announced by the ripening of a local tree fruit here, called loquats. This juicy plum sized fruit acquires the appearance of a gold nugget and provides a refreshing snack for those in the wilderness. They are frequently used in baking to be turned into jellies, chutneys, pies/tarts or icecream.

Sunny days here make all the difference – the island is simply transformed into a vibrant tropical heaven. Flowers stretch their petals as wide as possible to gather the golden light, 50 shades of blue waters will leave you breathless, the yellow tummies of keskidee’s boast and shine proudly.
Postcard worthy everywhere you look!

Mike and I get our exercise in before our elaborate dinner by taking the kayak and paddle board for it’s first run of the season. We set off from fairylands Point Shares and head out towards Paradise Lakes to explore mini islands. Mike leisurely paddled while on the look-out for whales breaching, friendly turtles or shipwrecks. I, on the other hand, was gracefully trying to stay afloat and not have to shout “man overboard!” We eventually arrive at Marshall Island a.k.a. cockroach island, passed through a quaint bridge to No Name Island and Irresistible Island. No gold found today but we’re satisfied with the beautiful scenic treasures we’ve experienced.

With patio season emerging, we decided to fire up the grill and celebrate with colourful healthy dishes. BBQs don’t have to be boring and conform to the traditional hot dogs and frozen hamburger patties – so here is our twist on a proper cookout.

Mediterranean Style Turkey Burgers: hand packed patties incorporating feta cheese, dill, cayenne and green onions giving us a mouthful of flavours. Topped by a refreshing cucumber yogurt tzatziki and all the other traditional accoutrements. This healthy alternative is guaranteed a thumbs up! Grill marks give it the smokey charred taste that embodies all of our childhood memories of summer.

Quinoa Stuffed Peppers with Enchilada Sauce: roast or place on the Q these sweet bulbs which will serve as vessels for your filling. Cook quinoa in chicken stock for more flavour, then add browned ground turkey, corn, black beans, onions, and jalapeños. Season with oregano and sprinkle in taco mix. Scoop generously into the bell pepper bowls and top with Mexican 4 cheeses and place back in oven so it can all meld together – broil for 1-2 minutes. Drizzle heaps of enchilada sauce over and garnish with fresh parsley. Mike masterfully whips up the sauce from scratch giving us a bold and authentic meal!

Icecream Cookie Sandwich: use any homemade cookie recipe and enclose around your icecream of choice – if you’re feeling overzealous, try making icecream from scratch, perhaps loquat icrecream! We tried mint + chocolate chip as well as lemon + vanilla.

Stuffed peppers turn into stuffed tummies – I find rubbing clockwise on the belly is the most efficient and helps with digestion! What better way to end off the night than swaying gently on a hammock. The general reply here to how your day went is: “just another day in paradise” and I concur.

You Are Exactly Where You Need To Be

As we have touched on staying present and being mindful in the previous meditation, tonight’s smudging extends from that intention. Remember, everything in life happens for a reason, good or bad, it is there to give us a lesson and a teaching. I never thought in a million years that I would be living in Bermuda, and look what a wonder little niche I have found myself in. After spending 365 days in New York City, completely immersed in the fast paced culture, and constant plugged-in lifestyle, moving to a tiny island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean was definitely a breath of fresh air. It can rain a lot in Bermuda, but I’ve seen countless rainbows, and at the most unexpected of times – shooting stars and even a burning meteorite. Count your blessings everyday, and stay close to those who feel like sunlight.

I find it important to ground myself daily, whether it is cup of coffee in the morning with music to start my day off on a positive note, or cleansing my body with chilled water with a squeeze of lemon to get fully hydrated. Do anything which helps you to find balance and center yourself – this may even mean waking up earlier to sit quietly for a meditation. Snoozing and then rushing yourself can lead to anxiety and stress. I always make my bed as it gives me ease and comfort, and I view it as a reflection of myself. Be ready for all your successes today! Here is a list of positive acts I am working towards: 10mins each

  1. Silent Meditation/Deep Breathing
  2. Affirmations
  3. Visualizations of the day ahead
  4. Exercise/Yoga
  5. Reading: particularly to learn something
  6. Scribing: writing or journaling

Mindfulness and self-awareness have had a large impact on my life and well-being. While it’s easier said then done, each small step is a milestone and practice becomes habit and a lifestyle. I highly recommend the Calm app. You can choose different series you want to work on: gratitude, managing stress, calming anxiety, inner-peace, happiness, focus, self-esteem, loving-kindness, forgiveness, or relationship with others. It allows you to select from a large variety of soothing nature sounds or gentle relaxing music to play in the background. Other features include body-scans, sleep stories, deep sleep meditation, and breathing exercises.

Surrender this moment, and be grateful that you are here, that you are strong, and that you are alive. Be thankful for your healthy body and begin to clear your mind and quiet your consciousness. I want to talk about our intuition and how we can stay attuned to our body and mind. Chakras are energetic “wheels” of the body that composes our aura. It is connected to our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspect of our being. There are 7 major chakras in total, each associated with a specific color and part of our body. When all chakras are balanced, they are cleared of all negativities, and we can then achieve enlightenment, harmony and peace.

3rd Eye Chakra: The All Seeing Eye. In Sanskrit “Ajna” means “command” and “perceiving”. It is associated with wisdom, our intuition and vision. It is activated when visualized with indigo blue. In our heightened self-awareness, we are able to turn inward and find insight, find inner perceptions. Become aligned with your deeper selves, and let’s open our 3rd eye. It is actually located between your eyebrows and behind, in the center of our head. Think about energy emanating and flowing through that center space, up to through the roof of your head forward and back around. This blue ring of energy is pure. Bring your hands over your head and take a deep breath and bring your palms together, then lower and place both thumbs to your 3rd eye. 8 counts of deep breathing at your own pace while you envision this.

We will now find clarity in our lives. We now have the ability to unblock any struggles we may be experiencing. We can now practice mindfulness. We have no need to be emotionally reactive. We are connected with our deeper selves and are disconnected from the fast, spinning world, full of distractions and constant stimulation. We are welcoming change. We are allowing the energy channels to be free and flow while following its guidance.

We are creative
We are with truth
We are at peace
We are with open heart and open mind
– N A M A S T E –

positive thoughts . positive words . positive actions . positive results .

At the end of our practice we often seal it with 1 breath to OM. The vibration produced by chanting Om in the physical universe corresponds to the original vibration that first arose at the time of creation. The sound of Om sustains life. Om also represents the four states of the Supreme Being. The three sounds in Om (AUM) represent the waking, dream and deep sleep states and the silence which surrounds Om represents the “bliss” state. The sound that reverberates in the entire cosmos and in every cell of our body acts as a cleansing agent for our body, removing negativity, and negative blocks from our mind, body, and soul. Exhale fully from the mouth, 1 deep breathe in, and feel your entire body vibrate at your highest self – Aum.

Keeping up with the Kisalas

After residing in Bermuda for almost 1.5 years, this island of 22 miles has never ceased to amaze me at every turn. Gazing out into the clear blue waters with ribbons of turquoise bliss makes me think every time, “pinch me!” There are still so many little parts to explore, parks to adventure through, rocks to be climbed, cliffs to be jumped off of, and railway trail to be uncovered. This is one of my favourite sights – an unassuming driftwood gate that is yearning for you to walk through and gives you a welcoming invitation that is so enticing.

Railway Trail: Back in time, a train used to transport passengers from one of end of the island (Somerset) to the other (St. Georges). Now, since being abandoned and removed, a scenic and hidden path stretches across the heart of the island. I fell in love with the railway trail the moment I set foot on it. It has become my regular running route, starting in Paget (right by Modern Mart) and heading towards Wickwick/Southhampton, depending on how energetic I feel. No single part of this trail is the same, which makes it that much more special. It is adorned by cyclist, dogs and leisurely walker, joggers training for marathons, and wild chickens. You will find solace and tranquility here while admiring every colour of hibiscus flower, local fruit, sprawling vines, lush vegetation, exposed limestone, friendly lizards, and the natural framework it serves for the paradise that surrounds it. “Afternoon!” you exclaim with a large grin while you greet fellow trail members in passing. 

“End to End” is an island wide event that is held at the beginning of May, where you get to walk from St. George’s all the way to Dockyard. It is a true celebration of the modest beauty that Bermuda possesses, which involves the participation of the whole community. Although some people will complain about blisters and losing toe nails and try to convince you to do “Middle to End” instead – do not succumb to this nonsense, as End to End is the only way to go. Only seven hours of epic journeying! I’m so glad my ace-girl, Heather, has promised to walk with me this year !!

Hey, and who knows, maybe you’ll end up on the front page of the local news.

On a marvelous Sunday, we decided to explore a new section of the railway trail that we’ve never done before. There has been some on going restoration in Flatt’s so we were excited to see the new bridges and where it would guide us. The hike with the Kisala’s started by the aquarium and lead us to Shelly Bay beach, onto the abandoned chimney, through the mini inlets, waved to by some bobbing Portuguese Man-O-War jellies along the North Shore waterfront, pit stop at Crawl station and across the Bailey Bay’s footbridge.

The fact that Bermuda still proves to have novel experiences is very thrilling, however, the Kisala’s and I realize we have to trek back, which we’re less enthusiastic about. Soon, my stomach is rumbling and it’s starting to show I’ve lost my momentum and I’m trailing behind the Kisala’s who are super fit. Mango is a veteran touch rugby player and has swam in triathlons. Mikey is our designated setter and blocker a.k.a. “net specialist” in volleyball and also a decorated sailing crew mate.

We finally make it back and enjoy a picnic lunch whilst being enthralled by the fabulous Flatt’s backdrop.

“Bermuda is another world.”

Hubert Smith

Grazie Mille a Tutti

Eat. Pray. Life. I’m sure you’ve all heard that saying before, or read the book, or watched the movie! The chapter on “Eat” is conveniently set in Italy – the mecca of tantalizing and comforting foods. You have pizza and pasta, you have cannoli and tiramisu, there’s antipasti with bruschetta, salumi, cheeses, olives and breads dipped in oil. We have classics like chicken parmigiana, linguine frutti de mare, carbonara, cacio e pepe, cioppino, shrimp scampi, insalata caprese, lobster fra diavolo, risotto ai funghi, pesto sauce, and burrata with fresh figs and pistachio drizzled with honey. Can you tell I’m obsessed? For someone who has never traveled to Italy, I am seriously worried if I went I would never return. Perhaps assemble myself a nice little life in Cinque Terre perched on the hill in one of those colourful houses sipping cappuccino. Sigh….but for now, the pastel painted Bermudian stone cottages will do.

– Bermudaful Day – view from my room –

Mike and I have been mulling all week over tonight’s dinner service, and have prepared an elaborate feast for our diners. We’ve decided to go with fresh homemade ravioli two ways! I spend a whole day before watching Youtube videos, ranging from ninety year old nonnas kneading dough and making traditional pasta from scratch, to professional chefs creating all sorts of different pastas and demonstrating the use of kitchen gadgets I’ve never seen before. Behold, this is a biciclette – this adjustable wheel cutter helps cut the pasta into thin or wide uniform strips. Next, we have an gnocchi paddle which soft little pillows are gently rolled over this ridged board to create little grooves where delicious Arrabiata sauce can slither in and occupy the spaces. On the right we have a pastry scraper, which is also used for cutting pieces of dough that is transformed into a single farfelle or fusilli or lorighitta! I was instantly mesmerized when I saw this braided pasta shape, which was very intricate and beautiful. Lorighittas originate from the village Morgongiori on the island Sardinia. Their name comes from the resemblance to the iron rings that tethered horses and oxen in the olden days. It is typically served with a ragù sauce. Yum!

watch this nonna do her thing !
beware this video can become hypnotic
cooking music

Of course, we are no short of kitchen gadgets ourselves. Mike is gifted a ravioli lamp as we are serious about pumping out little stuffed pillows of joy like a factory. Mandy also brings out the big guns and assembles the pasta maker which provides us with long sheets to make our ravioli. We’ve prepared two types of fillings as well as two types of sauces to accompany our delights. Chef Kisala has made a ricotta, spinach and chicken sausage filling and a homemade tomato sauce which was incredibly divine (remind me to get the recipe from him). Chef D offers a roasted butternut squash and mascarpone cheese filling, paired with a brown butter and sage sauce. Sous Chef Heather diligently sips on wine and ensures we are working at our hardest. Aprons on!

For our starter, we’ve chosen to go with a light caprese salad to balance out all the carbo-loading that is about to ensue. I went to the farmers market on Saturday and procured a bunch of golden beets which I roasted overnight. This sweet and earthy root vegetable really became the star of this dish as we drizzled balsamic and oil over top. Guys, look at all these vibrant colours – talk about tasting the rainbow!

Mangia ! Mangia ! Mangia !

A fun little game happened while we annihilated our raviolis. In the chaos of stamping them and boiling them, we got a little confused as to which fillings were in each. Everyone bit into their pockets inquisitively to see if the correct filling was matched with the correct sauce. There were surprised looks, questionable eyebrows, laughter, excitement and drool!

Ravioli tip: ensure that the dough is pliable and soft, it should almost resemble playdough. this will allow the pockets to form a seal all around so that the filling does not leak out. keep the dough in plastic wrap to keep the moisture from escaping at room temperature. boil for 4 min and the pillows should float when cooked. top with piping hot sauce and garnish with grated parmigiana or pecorino.

There’s always room for dessert, especially if it’s crème brûlée. Nothing is more satisfying then taking a spoon and cracking the glazed sugar coating on top. This warm and fluffy custard is so decadent and aromatic, Mandy helps herself to three servings! Buona notte